Because i don't a gynormous credit load this summer, i have been able to stay home with Baby the majority of the time. We are having a nice time--although sometimes the days get long. We found a charming little bookstore that does kid's story hour that Baby loves loves loves. I think her favorite part is the end when she gets her very own latex ballon wrapped around her wrist (hello-oo, OSHA). C and i tend to be safety-nuts in our house, but how could i take it away from her when she loves it so much??
We bought a Burly from and LOVE it. We go on rides almost every day. Baby wasn't digging wearing a helmet in the burly because burly doesn't give any helmet back space, so the back of the burly rubs against her head, pushing the helmet over her eyes. It took us a while, but C put this magical pillow against her back and problem solved! We use it lots for general errand-running, but the whole bicycling family went out on a family ride on the 4th.
Baby's best friend got a new toy that Baby loves! I think Baby went up and down this slide a quadrillion times when we were over there on the 4th for a bbq..... maybe a quadrillion and four.
But alas all the mommy-time will become limited again come fall. I have be doing the dredded job of searching for childcare with an icky feeling inside. I know, i know--she'll be alright and it's good for her, but i'm not so convinced it will be good for ME!